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Moldovan speaker unveils report on government's actions over last two years

09:51 | 10.07.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 10. /MOLDPRES/- For two years, the Republic of Moldova has been following a new path - the path of our accession to the great European family. We want that by 2030, the European Union will be at home and we will never be blocked on our way to development and well-being. Speaker, Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) leader Igor Grosu made the statements today. He unveiled a report on the actions taken by the government over the last two years.

"July 11 marks two years since the citizens achieved a victory, a victory over the thieves and those who have impoverished this country over the years, a victory that seemed almost impossible a few years before. For two years, the Republic of Moldova has been on a new path - the path of our accession to the European Union. We cannot do over two years everything we missed for 30 years, but we have started important things. We want that by 2030, the European Union will be at home and we will never be blocked on our way to development and well-being. A lot of effort and unity is still needed. The EU supports us in this way", Igor Grosu said.

He said "we are in the most responsible period in the history of the Republic of Moldova". "2023 is a year in which we must advance irreversibly on our way to European integration, start negotiations and develop Moldova. It is a big effort that does not only belong to deputies, ministers, but to every official at the local or central level, it depends on every Moldovan in the country or abroad. I know how many problems there are still in Moldova. I want Moldovans to live like Europeans, because they deserve it. We would like to be able to do these things faster, but the mud in which Moldova has been immersed for decades is difficult to clear overnight", said Grosu.

Grosu said "despite all the crises, over the last two years, changes have been started in the most important areas". "We started important things in the judiciary, we achieved the application of international sanctions against fugitives and groups that try to destabilize the country, we made possible the extensive confiscation, we introduced tougher fines and punishments for electoral corruption, we returned the Chisinau Airport to the citizens", he concluded.

The report was presented this morning in front of Parliament. Igor Grosu was accompanied by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, PAS deputies and mayors.



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