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Moldova won 7 medals at U23, Youth Canoe World Cup

12:33 | 10.07.2023 Category: Sport

Chisinau, July 10. /MOLDPRES/- Moldovan canoeists won seven medals at the World Championship in Italy: five in Under 23 and two in youth, the National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOS) announced today.

Maria Olărașu won two gold medals and one bronze. She won in the 500 meters double with Daniela Cociu, in the mixed 500 meters in tandem with Mihai Chihaia, and in the individual 500 meters she won the bronze. A very good performance also for Elena Glizan – silver at 5000 meters and bronze at 1000 meters.

Mihail Culceac won two bronze medals – 500 meters individually and 1000 meters double in tandem with Stanislav Banaru.

At U23, Moldova ranked 4th in the medal ranking after Hungary, Spain and Germany, while overall in 7th position.

Photo: Kayak-Canoe Federation of Moldova


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