Moldovan parliament to consider government's proposal on extension of emergency state
14:38 | 28.07.2023 Category: Political
Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament will consider a proposal by the government on the prolongation of the emergency state by 60 days starting from 3 August. The members of the parliamentary commission for national security, defence and public order today considered a draft decision to this effect and ruled to propose it to parliament for adoption.
According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the MPs will consider the document at the last meeting of the spring session, due on 31 July.
The proposal on the extension of the emergency state was made by the cabinet, given the imminent danger to the national security, triggered by the war in Ukraine. An informative note to the draft decision reads that ‘’the risks are high, including because of the attacks in the immediate neighbourhood to NATO’s border, in the Odessa and Reni regions, nearby the border with Moldova.’’
„Our country will be hit following the ceasing of the agreement on cereals’ export through the Black Sea basin, imposed by Russia on 17 July, which will lead to the enhancement of the transit of cereals through Moldova. The country stays exposed to the hybrid war, through the promotion of false information, manipulations on military purpose and inter-ethnic violence. At the same time, the war in Ukraine might hinder the deliveries of natural gas and electric energy to Moldova,’’ the document also reads.
During the emergency state, the Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE) will issue instructions for the central and local public administration authorities and for the citizens on the country’s territory. Under the draft decision, the state of emergency will not affect the organization and holding of the elections in Moldova.
The emergency state was declared by the parliament all over Moldova on 24 February 2022, at a proposal by the government, in order to allow the taking of prompt decisions and the efficient management of the risks and threats which can emerge.