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Moldovan, EU officials approach current issues

10:34 | 15.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- On September 13-15, Deputy Prime Minister for reintegration Oleg Serebrian was on a working visit to Brussels. He had meetings with officials from the European Union institutions, the Reintegration Policy Office has reported.

On September 14, he was the special guest of the Political and Security Committee at a session moderated by Ambassador Delphine Pronk, the Chair of the Committee. The Deputy Prime Minister made a presentation of the current situation in the eastern districts of the country, followed by a round of comments and questions and answers. The European officials and ambassadors of the EU countries present at the event were informed about the activity of the negotiation formats regarding the Transnistrian settlement and on the government's priorities in promoting the country's reintegration policies and achieving the objective of resolving the Transnistrian conflict, respecting the territorial integrity of the country. The important role of the EU in the context of the Republic of Moldova's completion of the pre-accession stages was highlighted, with the remark that the progress made in the European integration process will contribute directly to the advancement of the country's reintegration process, the restoration of unique national spaces, sustainable development of the country and to the prosperity of the inhabitants on both banks of the Dniester.

Serebrian pointed out the need to maintain the dialogue with the community institutions in order to boost the Transnistrian case settlement. EU officials welcomed the way the Moldovan authorities handled the case in the complicated regional context generated by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, expressing their readiness to further support Chisinau in reintegration efforts.

Serebrian was accompanied by Head of the Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, Ambassador Daniela Morari and Reintegration Policy Office Head Alin Gvidiani.


Photo: Reintegration Policy Office






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