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New rules of universities' financing approved in Moldova

22:11 | 20.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - The state universities will be financed not only based on the number of students they have, but also based on performance criteria. The new rules are contained in the Methodology of budgetary financing of the higher education institutions, approved by the government today.

Thus, the institutions which are more attractive for lyceum graduates who have average marks higher than 8, as well as those which observe the integrity standards and other important criteria will be able to have budgets by 20 per cent higher.  

Under the document, 75 per cent of the financial resources will be allocated to the institution according to the standard cost per one student, multiplied to the adjusting coefficient, depending on the cycle of education, language of teaching and the group of syllabi. Another 20 per cent of the resources earmarked will be aimed at backing the excellence and the performance of the universities and at least 5 per cent will be distributed for improving the conditions of accommodation in hostels, modernization of the material and teaching basis, endowment with computers/software/equipment, financing of institutional development projects.     

„On the other hand, we will assess the academic integrity of the universities based on representative opinion polls per each university on a sample of about 600 students. The universities due to have the best score will also benefit from additional support. At the same time, taking into account that a priority for the ministry is the internationalization and attraction of foreign students, several performance criteria were included on this dimension too, and namely: the share of foreign students who are attracted by the university, the number and share of specialists in the English language, who are provided by universities and, not in the least, the share of teachers who hold certificates of competence in a language of international circulation,’’ Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun said.    

Twenty higher education institutions work in Moldova, of which 13 public institutions and eight private ones. There are 17 institutions in the Chisinau city and one institution in Balti, Comrat, Cahul and Taraclia each.   

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