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Voted in Parliament: State of emergency in Moldova extended by 60 days

14:01 | 21.09.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- The state of emergency in Moldova was extended by 60 days starting on October 2. At the Government's proposal, the Parliament adopted with 57 votes a draft decision on the matter today. The parliamentary opposition boycotted the plenary session.

Minister of Internal Affairs Adrian Efros came to the rostrum of the Parliament with request to extend the state of emergency. He argued that "the risks to the security of the Republic of Moldova are persistent and real".

“The Russian armed forces have already stepped up cruise missile and drone attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, which may disrupt our country's electricity supply. By extending the state of emergency, we will be able to take preventive measures and strengthen the country's energy security and protect critical infrastructure. In addition, we cannot ignore the increased risks in the field of cyber and information security. These threats have the potential to destabilize the national economy and restrict the mobility of the population", said Adrian Efros.

The minister assured that "despite the complicated conditions, the situation today is stable and functional, all state institutions are operating as usualy and we are ready to manage any crisis".

Thus, during the state of emergency, the Commission for Emergency Situations will issue binding and enforceable provisions for the heads of central and local public administration authorities, economic agents, public institutions, as well as for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and other persons on the territory of the country.

The last time, the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova was extended by 60 days starting from August 3. The state of emergency in our country was established on February 24, 2022, with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.


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