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Law-enforcers make searches in criminal files on illegal financing of political parties in Moldova; one person detained

17:45 | 21.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 September /MOLDPRES/ - Law-enforcers today carried out 25 searches in Moldova’s northern region and in the Chisinau municipality at representatives of political parties in criminal files regarding the illegal financing of political parties. A person was detained and placed in the isolation ward of the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA) for 72 hours.    

According to the evidence produced in files, law-enforcers found out that more representatives of parties would have been involved in the process of reception, carriage and distribution of financial means meant for unofficial payments.  

Following the searches, financial means worth 189,200 lei, 25,415 euros, 2,430 dollars, 4,500 Swiss francs, mobile phones, as well as rough copies were raised.  

The operation was carried out by CNA and Intelligence and Security Service officers, jointly with prosecutors of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.    



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