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National Employment Agency urges employers to declare vacancies

12:02 | 25.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- The National Employment Agency (ANOFM) urges employers to declare vacant jobs, including those for people with disabilities.

Informing the territorial subdivision about vacant jobs, including those created for people with disabilities, is done by the employer presenting a Form. At the same time, economic agents are urged to inform, within three days, about the employment of the unemployed.

ANOFM head Raisa Dogaru encourages employers to be open to collaboration with territorial subdivisions for employment. "Thus, they can contribute to the implementation of employment policies and the creation of favorable conditions for the employment of the unemployed," the agency's head said.

At the same time, employers can announce job vacancies for free on website managed by ANOFM. 

Economic agents can register their company and publish vacancies, which are sorted by industry and field. They can also find suitable candidates based on available CVs.

For further information on vacant jobs, interested persons can access the following address: or call the ANOFM Call Center - 0 8000 1000.


Photo: ANOFM


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