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Nomination of candidates for first-level constituencies starts on 26 September

13:58 | 25.09.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Nomination of candidates for first-level constituencies - mayors of villages, communes, cities and first-level municipalities and councilors in the village, town and municipal councils begins on 26 September.

According to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), in the case of local elections, the nomination of candidates for the position of mayor and councilor of the local council is carried out after the constitution of the constituency electoral councils, but not earlier than 60 days before the election date.

The right to nominate candidates for elections is held by: political parties registered until the date of entry into force of the CEC decision regarding the establishment of the date of general local elections; the electoral blocs established and registered under the conditions provided by the Electoral Code and the instruction regarding the particularities of the establishment and registration of electoral blocs; independent candidates.

The procedure for appointing candidates for the position of mayor and councilor in the local council takes place: in the case of political parties and electoral blocs - by approval during the meetings of the relevant bodies of the decisions on the appointment of candidates for the position of mayor and the list of candidates for the position of councilor of the local council; in the case of independent candidates - by submitting their own candidacy for the position of mayor or councilor of the local council, as the case may be, setting up the initiative group to collect signatures in order to support it.

The procedure for appointing independent candidates also includes the stage of collecting signatures by the people who put forward their own candidacy or the initiative groups in order to support the candidates for the position of mayor and councilor of the local council.

Subscription list forms can be requested from the second-level constituency electoral council, starting on September 29.

The general local elections will be held on November 5.





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