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Moldovan PM announces Growth for Moldova package, including increase in salaries, one-off payments, financing priority projects

15:33 | 25.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ -The cabinet has identified the needed resources for the increase in the salaries and providing one-off payments for 170,000 employees from diverse professional categories, following a comprehensive exercise on the assessing of the degree of fulfilling the budget. Prime Minister Dorin Recean unveiled the Growth for Moldova package of salary measures at a news briefing and the budget’s rectification was proposed to parliament for approval next week, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.     

„The government stays close to citizens. Even if this is year is pretty difficult, along with the foreign partners, we support more categories of residents, in order to improve the living conditions. We have a concrete plan on the social and economic dimension and our goal is to edify a strong, European economy, which is to further lead to salary increases,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.   

According to the prime minister, the salaries of all physicians, medical assistants and nurses from the medical system financed from the Mandatory Health Insurances Account will increase by 15 per cent and of the forensic physicians - by 26 per cent. Thus, about 48,000 medical system employees will benefit from the increase. The average salary of a physician will increase from 17,344 lei to 19,945 lei and of a medical assistant – from 11,094 lei to 12,758 lei; the one of a nurse will grow from 6,510 lei to 7,486 lei. The salaries of the physicians and medical assistance from the special institutions will increase as well: the hospitals of the Interior Ministry, Defence Ministry, penitentiary institutions and rehabilitation and placement centres.       

The education sector employees – 66,000 people -will benefit from financial support as well. It is about teaching and scientific staff from all education institutions – they will receive a one-off payment of 5,000 lei and over 35,000 non-teaching staff will benefit from 3,000 lei. For the first time ever, this payment will be provided to the entire public education system – over 100,000 people in all.  

Also, a one-off payment of 5,000 lei will be provided to those over 10,000 employees of the Interior Ministry – rescuers, policemen and carabineers, who protect the safety of the citizens and ensure the public order in Moldova.   

At the same time, following the budget’s rectification, about 1,700 employees, artistic employees from the theatre and concert institutions, the founder of which is the Culture Ministry, will receive by 25 per cent more - an actor will have a salary of 8,500 lei, up by 1,500 lei than at present and a stage manager will have 11,210 lei, - by 2,000 lei more than the current salary.

Additionally, the government will earmark 100 million lei for the repair of roads, 300 million lei for projects on development of villages and cities for the European Village programme, as well as 100 million lei as increase for agriculture, which will support the farmers in starting businesses and opening new jobs. At the same time, another 352 million lei was identified, in order to cover the expenses or electric energy and heating, borne by schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other budgetary institutions.   

Photo: Government











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