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214 applications submitted in first seven days of registration period in electoral race

17:11 | 26.09.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- A number of 191 applications have been submitted in the first 7 days of registration period as a candidate for the position of councilor in Chisinau, Balti and district councils. 172 applications were received from political parties/electoral bloc, and 19 from independent candidates.

According to the Central Electoral Commission, the lists presented by 20 political parties include over 4,600 candidates for the position of district/municipal councilor - 2,066 women and 2,567 men.

14 applications were submitted to the Electoral Council of the Chisinau municipal constituency for registration as a candidate for the position of general mayor of Chisinau municipality. 12 of them are from political parties, one from an electoral bloc and a request to release subscription lists for a potential independent candidate.

Also, for the position of Bălți mayor, six applications were submitted by political parties and three applications for the release of subscription lists. The electoral council of the Balti municipal constituency has already registered six candidates for the position of mayor.

The electoral campaign will start for all registered competitors 30 days before the election day, that is on October 6.


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