Authorities rejected cyber attacks launched against some state institutions in Moldova
18:22 | 26.09.2023 Category: Official
Chisinau, 26 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Authorities rejected the cyber attacks against the background of the intensification of DDOS-type requests, characterized by the launch of a large number of requests, usually from abroad, aimed at blocking a server, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.
After the cabinet meeting, government spokesperson Daniel Vodă told journalists that the officials of the state institutions have taken the necessary actions to reduce the impact. Among these measures is the suspension of access to government websites from outside the country, in order not to admit their takeover.
The official said that it is not a cyber attack on the country's critical infrastructure, this infrastructure being protected by the heads of national institutions. The recent target of the mentioned attacks were the websites of the following public institutions: Chisinau International Airport, the National Agency for Energy Regulation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
"Based on the last example (MAEIE), I want to mention that between midnight and afternoon today, there were more than 36 million accesses to this platform from different geographical regions, but the cyber security officials coped and they lessened the impact of these actions", said Daniel Vodă.
The government also recommends that representatives of the private sector pay more attention to cyber security in companies, strengthen corporate networks and consider industry-recommended web server protection measures.
The Government spokesperson informed about the information resources available in the thematic guides set up by the Information and Communications Technology Service, available on the institution's website.
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