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DOC Decision on extending state of emergency by 60 days published in Official Journal of Moldova

11:23 | 27.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- The decision on extending the state of emergency by 60 days from October 2 was published in the Official Journal today.

The authorities argued the need to extend the state of emergency by the fact that due to the war in Ukraine, "the risks to the security of the Republic of Moldova are persistent and real".

Under the document, the state of emergency does not affect the organization and conduct of elections in Moldova.

During the state of emergency, the Commission for Emergency Situations will issue mandatory and enforceable instructions for the heads of central and local public administration authorities, economic agents, public institutions, as well as for the Moldovan citizens and other persons in the country.

The last time, the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova was extended by 60 days starting from August 3. For the first time, the measure was set up in the country on February 24, 2022, with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.





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