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EcoContact association of Moldova: study visit to Estonia, exchange of experience, good practices as to Green Justice

16:24 | 27.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - The framework of regulation and of enforcement of the environmental permits and investigation of the infringements of the environmental legislation, according to the European Union’s practices, were tackled at a study visit to Estonia, paid by EcoContact on 18-22 September, in partnership with the Estonian Environment Agency and the Association MTU Green Dictionary.      

The members of the Moldovan delegation, representatives of the environment authorities, of law-enforcement bodies and experts in the field, were familiarized with the institutional framework on environmental protection in Estonia. ‘’In particular, the participants were informed about the roles of various institutions in the processes of issuance of permits, carrying out the monitoring and the control over the observance of the environmental legislation, as well as about the inter-institutional cooperation. Special attention was paid also to the cooperation between the environment authorities and the prosecutor’s office of Estonia, including at the level of the cross-border cooperation concerning the environmental offences,’’ EcoContact said.     

The participants visited the main enterprises which are subjected to the rigorous system of authorization and verification of the compliance with the environmental legislation, among which there are the incinerator of municipal waste, the Iru power plant from the Tallinn municipality and the mining industry and the one of processing bituminous shale at Viru Keemia Grupp. Problems related to the illegal fishing on the Peipsi lake, as well as the use of advanced systems of monitoring of the fishing activity (satellite systems, GPS and use of drones) were discussed with inspectors of the Estonian Environment Agency’s Department of Development  for Supervision of the Wild Fauna and Fishing.   

At the same time, the participants were able to learn more about the education programmes, promotion of the image in the society, cooperation with the police and other structures as regards the environmental protection, including concerning the management of the protected natural areas, during the visits to the ecological information centres of the cities of Pärnu, Iisaku and Endla, according to the quoted source.

The study visit was held within the project, Green justice for a protected environment and sustainable communities in Moldova, implemented by the EcoContact public association, with the support of Sweden.  

Photo: EcoContact






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