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As many as 356,000 residents of Transnistrian region citizens of Moldova

17:09 | 27.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 September /MOLDPRES/ - The information received from the Public Services Agency (ASP) shows that, on 13 September 2023, 364, 986 residents with domicile on the left bank of Dniester and Bender municipality were in the records of the state Register of the population. A number of 355,934 of them had the citizenship of Moldova, 334,444 had passports of Moldova’s citizen and 298,207 – identity cards, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.  

On the period 1 January – 14 September 2023, 2,187 citizens from the Transnistrian region benefited from facilities at the issuance of the identity card of the citizen of Moldova and 354 – at the issuance of the temporary identity card.   

It is worth mentioning that, in the conditions of the simplified procedure of getting Moldova’s citizenship (based on the written consent and on the basis of the civil status documents which show the birth on the territory of Moldova), on the period 19 April 2018-14 September 2023, 34,090 people were recognized as citizens of Moldova, of whom 23,465 (about 69 per cent) are residents from the left bank of Dniester and Bender municipality, who have already got identity papers of Moldova’s citizen.     

During January-August this year, 5,798 people from the region asked for the certification of civil status deeds, with 6,195 civil status documents certified for them and 4,491 duplicates were issued following repeated appeals.  

Photo: Reintegration Policies Bureau



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