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Moldovan president discusses with pupils, students who won at international contest INTEL AI GLOBAL Impact Festival

19:54 | 28.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today welcomed at the Presidency  the winners of the prestigious international competition, INTEL AI GLOBAL Impact Festival: Adrian Badan, Marian Soltan, Vlada Pulbere, Anastasia Panfil, Daniela Băluțel, Ciprian Meriacre, Eduard Balamatiuc, Daria Gheorghieș, the presidential press service has reported.  

„I discussed with these pupils and students the projects with which they had participated in the competition and the way they want to continue to explore the artificial intelligence sector. I congratulated them on the work carried out and I told them that we are hugely proud with their success,’’ the Moldovan president said.   

Also, Maia Sandu noted that the technologies were integrant part of the daily life and it was important for us to know how to use them for the common benefit. ‘’The Education and Research Ministry promotes, along with the development partners, the learning of the future professions in Moldova. At the same time, we try to attract companies which serve the global technology market and to create jobs for those fond of technologies,’’ the head of state also said.     

The president added that such young people represented an example worth being followed for all young persons.  ‘’The work and the discipline to study during the entire life are key elements for making progress in any field,’’ Maia Sandu said.  

Photo: Presidency










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