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DOC Public procurement system development program for next years published in Official Journal of Moldova

12:42 | 29.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Public procurement system development program for 2023-2026 was published in the Official Journal today.

The basic principle promoted through the Program is the development of an efficient public procurement system.

The program's main goals are adjusting national legislation to the EU acquis, modernizing the electronic procurement system, developing mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of procurement, creating the conditions for economic and social efficiency of procurement procedures, capacity building and professionalizing procurement staff.

The program comes with a systemic approach, based on a well-defined logical intervention framework in the development of the public procurement system and was worked out for the implementation of the Public Finance Management Development Strategy, for setting priorities and measures in the public procurement, as well as supporting national development policies and strategies.




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