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Gynecology consulting room of Penitentiary No 13 renovated, endowed with modern medical equipment

15:53 | 29.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 September /MOLDPRES/ - The gynecology consulting room of the Chisinau-based Penitentiary No 13 has been renovated and endowed with modern medical equipment.   

At the event, Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru said that the improvement of the conditions in penitentiaries and the providing of quality medical services for all detained people were on the agenda of priorities of the institution.    

„This goal can be achieved only through the consolidation of everybody’s effort – authorities, development partners, civil society. A result of an efficient cooperation and for the benefit of the people imprisoned are the new conditions from the gynecology consulting room of the Penitentiary No 13 from Chisinau, where patients women detained in criminal investigation isolation ward, especially pregnant women, receive medical care. The room was renovated and endowed with last-generation medical equipment, adapted to the needs of the people with disabilities. At the same time, two interior yards for walking were renovated and arranged with sports inventory,’’ Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stressed.    

Also, the minister thanked the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), with the support of which the conditions in penitentiaries and the quality of medical services provided to detained people were improved. ‘’We want this partnership to continue. We hope that we will manage to standardize the medical services and their providing in the same conditions to everybody, including the imprisoned people, who have the same rights: to be treated with dignity, in decent conditions and by ensuring the observance of all rights,’’ the official noted.  

The renovation and endowment of the gynecology consulting room with needed medical equipment was made with the support of UNFPA Moldova, after the carrying out of an analysis of the urgent needs faced by the penitentiary system Moldova. The value of the donation is of 860,000 lei (about 43,000 euros).  

Photo: Justice Ministry





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