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DOC Day of 2 October declared national mourning day in Moldova, given funerals of great Moldovan writer Ion Druta

11:45 | 30.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Day of 2 October has been declared national mourning day, as a token of deep sorrow triggered by the death of prose writer, dramatist and essayist Ion Druta – a writer who essentially contributed to the development of the national literature, art and culture. President Maia Sandu signed a decree to this end. Thus, the memory of Ion Druta will be honoured on 2 October at 12:00, by standing silent for one minute.   

On the same day, the State Flag of Moldova will be raised half-mast in all settlements of the country, as well as at the diplomatic and consular missions of Moldova from abroad. The public authorities, enterprises and organizations are recommended to give up the carrying out of mass entertaining actions and the mass media institutions should take into account the specific character of the day when editing publications and making programmes, the presidential press service has reported.   

On 2 October 2023, the national provider of media services Teleradio-Moldova Company will broadcast programmes from the company’s archive, made based on works by departed writer Ion Druta. 

The prose writer, dramatist and essayist, People’s Writer, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, titular member of Moldova’s Academy of Sciences Ion Druta passed away at the age of 95 years on 28 September. The departed writer bequeathed to be buried at his native place and the Moldovan authorities gave assurances that they would provide every needed support to this effect.      




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