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Taxi services to be improved in Moldova

19:11 | 05.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 October /MOLDPRES/ - A legislative initiative aimed at improving the taxi services was voted by the parliament in the second reading today.

The drafts goal is to transparentize and improve the process of fiscalization of the taxi regime transport service.  

Thus, all holders of platforms and applications of taxi orders will be legally registered in Moldova and the systems will be used only through the transport operators which provide taxi regime services.   

Also, to monitor those who monitor such services, the holders of platforms will quarterly submit to the National Motor Transport Agency the list of vehicles and all drivers who operate taxi regime routes. In the context, amendments will be made to the Contravention Code, so that the infringements committed by those who hold platforms or carriers are punished.    

Another provision of the legislative initiative oblige the managers of the transport units to inform the passengers about the availability of the auxiliary services (chair for children or transfer of company animals), as well as about the tariffs related to the use of these additional services.

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