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Moldovan cabinet enhances level of citizens' safety: air companies to submit passengers' data till flights

13:40 | 11.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 October /MOLDPRES/ - Air companies will submit beforehand the data on passengers to the Information Unit on Passengers, due to be set up at the Border Police. The cabinet approved a decision to this effect, in order to consolidate the internal security, prevent and counteract terror activities, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.    

Thus, the data will be submitted as soon as relevant information appears, but not earlier than 48 hours and not later than 24 hours before the departure scheduled. If the data on passengers’ registration is not available, the air carrier will send updates after each two hours. At the same time, the air companies will provide information needed immediately after the passengers’ embarkation in the airship which prepares for the takeoff.     

The data will be submitted exclusively through the ‘’push’’ way – automatic delivery of personalized information – and will be stocked during 5 years. The information collected will be used strictly on the purposes established, with the observance of the fundamental human rights and the legislation in the field of protection of personal data.     

Photo: Government



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