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Moldovan government reduces bureaucracy in fiscal, customs sectors, facilitates business environment's work

14:13 | 11.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 October /MOLDPRES/ - The entrepreneurs will save about half billion Moldovan lei annually or 0.2 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), following the reduction of the bureaucracy in the fiscal and customs fields. A draft law, approved by the cabinet, will exclude administrative barriers and unjustified requirements and will contribute to the facilitation of the business environment’s work, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.  

The provisions in the customs sector regard the introduction of online forms of declaring assets imported and exported from Moldova through international mail sendings. The draft also envisages the inclusion of the oil products and the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the list of products allowed for the regime of customs warehouse. In these conditions, decision-makers will facilitate the operations of import-export, stocking, loading, unloading of oil products and LPG.   

In the fiscal field, the draft stimulates the increase of the sum regarded as debt on fiscal purposes from 100 to 500 lei and the establishment of the right of deducting the value added tax (VAT) for the acquisition of assets and services carried out through the business payment card, if their values does not exceed 2,000 lei, including VAT.   

Also, decision-makers cancelled the need to keep the cash register/fiscal printer for the cash registers connected to the system of electronic monitoring of sales, held by the State Fiscal Service (SFS) and revised the procedure of enforcing the exemption from VAT related to the re-import in the case of e-Commerce.    

„Thus, bureaucratic constraints and provisions in developing businesses were identified and settled, which will lighten the burden on economic agents by about half billion lei annually. The Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry, along with other state’s institutions continue promoting friendly reforms to the business environment. We provide them more space and more freedom, in order to develop, invest and create well-paid jobs in Moldova,’’ Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said.  

The legislative amendments were worked out by the Finance Ministry and the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry, in cooperation with the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of Moldova and with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and GIZ (German Agency for International Development).   

Photo: Government



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