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Emergency Medicine Institute of Moldova to undergo energy rehabilitation

15:52 | 12.10.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 12 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Emergency Medicine Institute is to undergo energy rehabilitation within the Energy Efficiency in Moldova Project, financed with the support of the European Union, European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).    

The energy efficiency measures were established following an energy audit, depending on the building’s individual needs. The measures will contribute to the cutting of the consumption of energy by up to 20 per  cent for electric energy and 50 per cent for thermal energy, reducing the emissions of CO2, as well as diversification of energy sources.   

Thus, the principal measures the institution will benefit from are: thermal insulation of the exterior walls, replacement of the exterior windows and doors, thermal insulation and renovation of roofs, thermal insulation of the basement’s ceilings, setting the LED-type illumination system, setting photovoltaic systems, etc.  

The Energy Efficiency Project in Moldova Project has the goal the energy rehabilitation of the buildings of the public institutions from Moldova. In the first phase of the project, ten medical institutions of national importance are to undergo the energy rehabilitation. More than one million patients who annually visit those ten hospitals and over 10,000 medical employees will benefit from these conditions.    

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