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Warning for Moldovan citizens citizens willing to travel to Estonia

14:12 | 19.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 October /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Embassy in Russia today informed that ever more cases of refusal by Estonia’s border authorities for the entry or transiting the territory of this state by Moldovan citizens through the crossing points between Russia and Estonia have been recorded in the last period.

According to the Embassy, the bans are imposed for reasons of non-observance of the legal requirements established for travellers, such as passports with expired validity terms, the lack of the transit visa in the travel document, vague statements on the goal of the travel, lack of the health insurance for the period of the travel, expired or forged driver’s licences and technical inspections of transport means.      

In these conditions, the diplomatic mission recommends that Moldovan citizens comply with the requirements established by the Estonian authorities as to the entry or transiting the territory of this state.   

„The Embassy warns that the liberalized visa regime does not guarantee an unconditional right of entry and short stay and does not affect other conditions which have to be fulfilled for the travel in the Schengen Area, on purpose of transiting or short stay. The member states have right to refuse the permission to enter and stay on their territory, if one or more of these conditions for entry are not fulfilled,’’ the quoted source said.      

Under the legal provisions, for stays which do not exceed 90 days on a period of 180 days, the conditions for entry for the nationals of third countries are: the holding of a valid travel document or of documents which would allow the authorized crossing of the border, justification of the purpose of the travel and holding enough means for subsistence, lack of alerts in the Schengen Information System, which can prompt the refusal for the entry, other documents, upon a request by the border policeman, as case may be.  




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