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TV channel fined 13 thousand lei for violating Electoral Code

12:48 | 30.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct. 30 /MOLDPRES/- Audiovisual Council sanctioned ITV that in "Вечерний Буймистру" TV show of October 8 and 15, electoral contestants were targeted in violation of the Electoral Code.

On October 8, 2023, ITV broadcast "Вечерний Буймистру" show, and one of the issues addressed by the moderator was "Кандитаты в примары Бельц" in which the moderator satirized the current electoral candidates for Chisinau city hall. The moderator of the show targeted the candidates for Bălți city hall, even though it was not an electoral show.

On October 15, 2023, in the same show, the moderator made statements that targeted a candidate for the position of mayor of Balti. 

The statement on editorial policy for covering the local elections of November 5, 2023 of ITV does not indicate the show "Вечерний Буймистру" in the categories of programs mentioned in Article 90 (2) of the Electoral Code. Therefore, the aforementioned electoral candidates cannot have direct or indirect interventions and cannot be targeted by third parties in audiovisual programs other than those of an electoral nature, expressly established in the statement regarding the editorial policy of the media service provider.


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