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PM: Russia through organized criminal groups wants to influence 5 November local elections

13:55 | 30.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Oct. 30 /MOLDPRES/- "In Moldova, we are daily subjected to hybrid attacks from the Russian Federation, which through organized criminal groups wants to influence the 5 November local elections." Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement after SIS head Alexandru Musteață requested the suspension of the activity of six TV channels and 31 websites.

The official said that today, upon the request of the SIS, the CSE decided to suspend the licenses of 6 TV channels that promote foreign interests.

"These TV channels are subordinate to Plahotniuc and Shor criminal groups, which joined their efforts to destabilize the country. We have evidence that these channels pursue an interest from outside the Republic of Moldova, for destabilizing purpose. We will not allow this and we will always act promptly and decisively in the interest of the citizens", Recean said.

This morning, Musteata held a briefing and said that in recent months, the Russian Federation is trying to influence the November 5 elections by illegally financing parties, buying votes, corrupting candidates and a disinformation campaign through certain TV channels, websites and social networks.

SIS head said that the activity of the six chanels "represents a danger to information security because they constantly promote manipulative and geopolitical narratives to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova".

He reiterated that previously also by the CSE decision the activity of other TV channels, affiliated to Ilan Shor, which migrated their content to the six stations targeted today, was stopped.

"For example, the content of TV6 and Primul in Moldova migrated to Orizont TV and ITV. Concerted actions between Shor criminal group and the media holding managed by Plahotniuc group have been fixed," Musteață said.


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