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Foreign citizen leaving airport illegally refused entry to country

12:39 | 08.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- Citizen from Azerbaijan, who illegally left the Chisinau International Airport was refused entry to the Republic of Moldova because "he did not justify the purpose of the visit".

According to the Border Police, on November 4, during the state control of passengers on Istanbul - Chisinau flight, the police identified a 38-year-old citizen of Azerbaijan, who intended to transit the national territory to Ukraine.

"As a result of the checks, the border police established that the foreigner does not justify the purpose of entry and applied the measure of not allowing entry into the Republic of Moldova and leaving the national territory to the place of embarkation or to another place that the foreigner accepts and where he is accepted. During the procedures carried out by the border police, the foreigner showed a cooperative behavior, being informed of the possibility of later return to our country, in the case of meeting the entry conditions imposed on foreigners when crossing the state border", the Border Police said.

While waiting for the flight that was going to transport him across the borders of the Republic of Moldova, on November 5, the foreigner used the infrastructure vulnerabilities of the Chisinau International Airport and left the security restricted area, moving in an unknown direction.

"On the evening of November 5, at 7:45 p.m., the employees noticed the absence of the Azerbaijani foreigner in the security area, search actions were immediately launched to identify and locate him. Criminal proceedings were initiated for the illegal crossing of the state border. The man was identified in the afternoon of November 6, near the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Chisinau, from where shortly afterwards the border police took the citizen and presented him to the relevant body, in order to carry out criminal prosecution actions", the Border Police said.

Upon completion of the criminal investigation, the foreigner was removed from Moldova.


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