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Moldovan parliament speaker welcomes European Commission's decision recommending starting negotiations on Moldova's accession to EU

14:55 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - We welcome the European Commission’s decision, which recommends the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union. This decision prompts us to be more resolute in the process of Moldova’s transformation through the reforms we carry out. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today made statements to this effect.        

According to Grosu, the European Union is not only a better future for our children; the European Union means a better present for all Moldovans; it means a strong economy, developed villages and cities, safety and security, reliable friends.     

„We have a clear-cut road ahead; we know where we go – we want to edify the European Moldova at home. We will succeed through unity, wise choices and a lot of work,’’ the speaker added.     

The final decision on the starting of the negotiations with Moldova will be taken by the EU member states at the meeting of the European Council due on 14-15 December.  



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