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Romanian Senate's president says Moldova, Ukraine make new step on their European way

14:43 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova and Ukraine today make a new step on their European way. The place of these countries is in the European Union. Romanian Senate’s President Nicolae Ciuca today made statements to this effect, after the European Commission had recommended that the European Union member states initiate the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to EU.   

„I welcome the European Commission’s decision to recommend that the European Councils starts the negotiations on accession for the two states. In next December, the EU leaders will discuss this recommendation and will take a decision which might mark the beginning of a new chapter for the great European family,’’ Nicolae Ciuca said.  

According to the official, the place of Moldova and Ukraine is in the European Union. ‘’This road they cover now towards integration is not only about policies and treaties, but also about families, communities and dreams which interweave in a common destiny. We will firmly be with them!’’ Ciuca stressed.  

The European Commission today recommended that the European Union member countries initiate the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to EU.


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