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Construction works of Străseni-Vorniceni high pressure gas pipeline completed

11:48 | 21.11.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Nov. 21 /MOLDPRES/- The construction works of Străseni-Vorniceni high-pressure gas pipeline have been completed, and it is already put into operation.

According to Moldovagaz, the project will fully ensure the consumption of natural gas in the villages of Pănășești, Tătărești, Gălești, Bucovăț, Căpriana, Vorniceni and Lozova in the Strășeni district. Taking into account the increase in the number of people wishing to connect to the gas network, the existing Străseni-Vorniceni-Lozova gas pipeline with a diameter of 110 millimeters could only cover the current consumption in these localities, but did not allow the connection of new consumers.

In 2021 it was decided to build a portion of the gas pipeline with a total length of over 11.6 kilometers, and a diameter of 200 to 225 millimeters, depending on the section.

Moldovagaz said that the commissioning of the new gas pipeline will allow the connection of about 3,800 new consumers (households) to the natural gas distribution network, ensuring 100% of gas consumption in these villages with the necessary volumes.


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