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Moldovan deputy PM for reintegration has meeting with delegation of Norwegian parliament

18:19 | 21.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 November /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Serebrian today had a meeting with a delegation of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence of the Storting (parliament) of Norway, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.   

During the discussions, the officials reviewed the main aspects of the Transnistrian settlement process, with emphasis on the developments registered in the last period, including from the viewpoint of the regional security situation, influenced by Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.   

In the dialogue held with the Norwegian MPs, Oleg Serebrian pointed out details of interest on the Transnistria-related issues, including the process of negotiations in the present formats, energy sphere, refugees’ crisis and connections between the process of Moldova’s reintegration and the one of European integration.     

The representatives of Norway’s Storting conveyed a strong message support for the national authorities’ efforts of reestablishment, by peaceful means, of Moldova’s territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders. They showed willingness to preserve useful interactions for both sides on the Transnistria-related issues.    





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