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Economic agents from vine-growing, wine-making sectors of Moldova to be able to easier sell products on EU market

20:06 | 22.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 22 November /MOLDPRES/ - The economic agents from the vine-growing and wine-making sectors will be able to easier sell their products on the European Union’s market. In this respect, the cabinet today approved amendments to the Regulation on the organization of the vine-growing and wine-making market, with the normative act adjusted to the EU’s requirements.        

„The adoption of this draft represents an important step for ensuring the implementation of the legal provisions aimed at consumers’ protection. Thus, a normative framework is proposed, meant to support and promote the high standards as to the quality of the vine-growing and wine-making products, guaranteeing, at the same time, the consumers’ safety. The modernization and adjustment of the vine-growing and wine-making sectors to the international standards will contribute to the consolidation of the reputation of the Moldovan products at the world level,’’ Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea said.       

Also, the economic agents will be able to compete internationally, through a more efficient promotion and extension of exports. This goal will be achieved through the facilitation of the free circulation of Moldovan products and ensuring the protection of Moldova’s geographical indications. Besides, economic agents will be able to place their products on the native market, based on the declaration of conformity on one’s own responsibility. Thus, the economic agents will bear full responsibility for the quality of the products sold and the information put on the packing.     

Moldova is among the first 20 wine-producing countries, being also an important exporter from all over the world. The vine-growing and wine-making industry of represents one of the key branches of the country’s economy. The Moldovan wines are imported by over 70 countries from different regions of the world.    



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