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Moldovan PM's visit to Calarasi city

13:35 | 23.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 23 /MOLDPRES/- Over 1,250 children from three educational institutions of Călăraşi city, as well as the 16 thousand inhabitants will benefit from modern conditions to carry out sports activities. The multifunctional sports complex, which includes mini-football, volleyball and tennis courts, built as part of the European Village project was visited by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The construction works will be completed by December 31, after which the sports complex will be put into operation. The total value of the project is 5.4 million lei. "An investment in sports is an investment in the health and future of our children. Through such projects, we offer people modern conditions and promote a healthy way of life", said Recean.

After visiting the sports complex, the official went to the regional business incubator, opened in 2017. He discussed with residents and businessmen of the district. The 40 residents of the incubator benefit from consulting from the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA) and programs provided by the state. Business plan support services are also provided here and an intensive 3-month program including mentoring activities is available.

The residents generate 100 jobs, the business amounts to 25 million lei. One of them is an importer of electric cars, and a fueling station for such cars was built near the incubator. Other businesses include agriculture, clothing manufacturing, car repair, construction, beekeeping, semi-finished products and meat products.

"You are the engine of our economy - you employ local people and inspire other members of the community, and the achievements are remarkable," said Recean. According to the Prime Minister, the Government will continue to support entrepreneurs through the digitization of businesses, and the launch of government programs, including the 373 program, through which producers can access affordable long-term loans for investments.

Recean also visited the most energy-efficient kindergarten in the country - DoReMicii, attended by over 130 children and modernized with European funds within the cooperation program of the German Government. Photovoltaic panels, heat pumps, recovery ventilation system, including floor heating and cooling system were installed in the kindergarten. Thanks to this fact, the last two winters passed without paying money for heat. "The city of Calarasi is a European city, with active people, who develop the local economy and improve living conditions. The projects implemented in Călăraşi are a worthy model for all localities in the country to follow", Recean said.













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