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Moldova's Delegation Joint Control Commission signals continuation of abuses in Security Zone

16:55 | 23.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 November /MOLDPRES/ - The unauthorized works carried out by Tiraspol’ representatives nearby the road which connects the Varnita and Bender settlements were in the focus of a today’s meeting of the Joint Control Commission (JCC), the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.    

The weekly report of the Joint Military Command was not signed, as no truthful picture as to the situation in the Security Zone was provided, this time too.    

Thus, the report did not include the irregularities signaled for the military observers by the head of the police station from Varnita. The concerned police employee said that, although Tiraspol representatives had earlier said that passages would be envisaged through the alleged safety metal parapet, these passages were not made. At the same time, the concrete blocks, set under the pretext of combating the pandemic in 2020, were not removed either.     

At the same time, the leadership of the Bender Police Inspectorate informed about the increase in the number of complaints which regard the restriction of the free movement in the district with enhanced security regime. The residents are also concerned about actions of Tiraspol, which continues the abusive works on the segment between the Matnev and 27 April streets.  

In the context, Moldova’s Delegation made a call to cease the unilateral actions which trigger tensions in the Security Zone and to adopt a decision able to ensure the observance of the principles envisaged in the Ceasefire Agreement from 21 July 1992.



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