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Chisinau penitentiary construction project restructured

12:51 | 24.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 24 /MOLDPRES/- The Ministry of Justice announced that it has advanced in the construction process of the new penitentiary in Chisinau, which would replace Penitentiary No13, and notes that at the interministerial committee for strategic planning it was decided to restructure the construction project.

According to the minister, negotiations were recently held with the United Nations Office for Project Services in order to sign a cooperation agreement on management of the construction of the new penitentiary. This fact involves changing the composition and role of the project implementation unit, established in 2014.

Also, this September, the redesign of the construction was completed, by which the capacity of the penitentiary was reduced from 1536 places to 1050, which led to the decrease in costs by around 13 million euros. Also, a photovoltaic park for energy efficiency will be built on the territory adjacent to the penitentiary.


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