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Working group to be set up in Moldova for backing farmers facing financial difficulties, on the edge of bankruptcy

18:57 | 24.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 24 November /MOLDPRES/ - A meeting with representatives of the Farmers’ Force Association, along with representatives of Moldova’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), took place at the headquarters of the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA) today. The goal of the event was to discuss action plans to back the farmers hit by multiple crises. The participants in the meeting agreed on the creation of a working group in charge of identifying the farmers who face financial difficulties and the risk of bankruptcy.     

The subject of the discussion was focused preponderantly on the setting up, coordination and powers of the working group competent with the identification of the farmers who face financial difficulties and the risk of bankruptcy. ‘’The participants established that the working group will be made up of representatives of MAIA, CCI, district agricultural departments, financial and legal specialists, other relevant institutions. They will collect and will analyze the information available on the farmers at risk,  in order to approach, in a personalized way, their problems and provide targeted support,’’ the Agriculture Ministry said.      

At the same time, the farmers who hold documents issued by the Commissions for Emergency Situations, which confirm the state of drought in the region where they work, can appeal to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to ask for the release of the notification on the recording of the justifying impediment. This document can be used, in order to justify and demand delays in the fulfillment of certain contractual obligations.      

Under the procedure, the applicant will submit the application and the documents annexed, in the case of the electronically signed application, by accessing the following link: At the same time, the documents can be submitted to the headquarters of Moldova’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chisinau city, Stefan cel Mare Blvd 151).  

„Additional details on this procedure can be demanded at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the district agricultural departments,’’ Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry added.  

The authorities today afternoon held a meeting with the protesters from the centre of Chisinau, in order to find reasonable solutions to the emerged situation, after more farmers on 23 November came to the centre of the capital to take part in a protest action organized by the Farmers’ Force Association and the National Federation of Farmers. The participants in the action showed discontent with the situation in the agricultural sector. At the same time, the farmers demanded the authorities’ support to identify solutions to their problems. At the protest, the police recorded more violence and aggression acts.       





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