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Moldovan president thanked everyone involved in unblocking national roads

11:26 | 27.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 27 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu thanked all those involved in unblocking the national roads.

The official expressed gratitude to those who yesterday, throughout the day and the whole night, cleared the snow and cleared the roads and helped the people.

"More than 200 roadmen worked tirelessly to unblock road traffic and help everyone get home safely. Thousands of policemen, firefighters, rescuers, soldiers, medical staff and representatives of local authorities provided assistance to those in need and intervened in difficult situations. We are all safer because of you. Thank you! In the future, dear citizens, please move carefully and drive carefully," said Maia Sandu.

In total, more than 1400 police officers intervened on the national routes, another 800 border police officers, 400 rescuers, 300 employees of road maintenance services, 160 carabineers continue to step in to help stranded citizens. Also, dozens of teams of electricians are working in about 150 localities in the country to reconnect them to electricity.








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