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19 localities of five districts still without electricity due to bad weather

11:21 | 28.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 28 /MOLDPRES/- This morning, 19 localities in five districts are still partially disconnected from electricity. Representatives of the power grids are taking steps to this end.

According to IGSU, in the last 24 hours the rescuers have unblocked and towed 169 means of transport, as well as seven ambulances stuck due to bad weather conditions. 135 rescuers and firefighters with 36 technical units took part in the work.

The towing and unblocking missions took place on the roads in Taraclia, Anenii Noi, Orhei, Dubăsari, Căușeni, Ștefan Vodă, Cahul, Cimișlia, Rezina and Găgăuzia districts. At the same time, in Criuleni and Dubăsari districts, two pregnant women needed the help of rescuers to reach the medical institutions.

According to the State Road Administration, 261 technical units and 499 employees were involved in the work of clearing snow and spreading anti-skid material, and 1,935 tons of anti-skid material were spread. 



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