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General Police Inspectorate says Moldovan citizen participates in drawing of Star of David on more buildings from France

16:07 | 28.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 November /MOLDPRES/ - A man who has been earlier involved in actions of hooliganism and destabilization, managed by the Shor crime ring, would have participated in the drawing of the Star of David on more buildings from Paris, France.    

According to the General Police Inspectorate (IGP), the concerned man has been earlier used for the destabilization of the situation in Moldova.  

„According to analyses, the action from France was organized and guided from outside the country and represented an attempt of denigration of the state Republic of Moldova by the same representatives fugitives,’’ IGP noted.  

The law-enforcement institutions investigate the actions of the concerned person.  


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