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Production, sale of anabolics to be banned in Moldova

17:55 | 29.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 November /MOLDPRES/ - The production and sale of medicines with content of anabolic and androgenic steroids will be banned in Moldova. The members of the parliamentary commission for social protection, health and family have approved a draft law to this effect.   

The document will prohibit the import, fabrication, sale, prescription and release of medicines with content of anabolic and androgenic steroids.   

The legislative amendments are aimed at preventing and combating the production and illicit trafficking of doping substances in Moldova, as well as at adjusting the national legislation to the international standards. The amendments also have the goal to implement the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Agency and the World Anti-Doping Code.      

The anabolic and androgenic steroids are synthetic hormones, which enhance the organism’s capacity to produce muscular tissue. Sportspeople have been using these substances on the last period.   

In the context, the production and sale of these substances is forbidden in all European Union member states, in most countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the United States.

According to the Health Ministries, so far, huge quantities of medicines with content of anabolic and androgenic steroids have been fabricated and exported in Moldova. These substances can be bought in drugs stores based on medical prescriptions.  



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