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MPs made amendments to several legislative documents

12:27 | 30.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 30 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament adopted today in the second reading several amendments to normative acts in order to implement the mechanisms for assessing the impact on the environment and strategic environmental assessment.

According to the Environment Ministry, the development of the draft law was conditioned by the negative impact on the environment and human health generated by economic activities.

Under the document, these mechanisms are to be applied at the initial stages of planning economic activities and drafting policy documents in order to identify, prevent and minimize the direct or indirect effects they may have on the environment and population health.

The legislative amendments also aim at revising and reformulating some of the Ministry of Environment's powers, as well as repealing some of them, in terms of environmental impact assessment and the issuance of state ecological expert opinions for activities that do not require an environmental agreement, as well as the issuance of documents permits for private people and legal entities to practice entrepreneurial activities with an impact on the environment etc. As of 2018, the duties were taken over by the Environment Agency.


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