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Registration procedure for tourist guesthouses to be simplified

13:49 | 30.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 30 /MOLDPRES/- Food activity will be facilitated. Parliament voted a draft in the second reading  today.

Registration procedure for small producers, artisan producers and tourist guesthouses will be simplified.

The document also proposes the amendment to some normative acts that regulate the activity with phytosanitary products and fertilizers; sanitary-veterinary activity; carrying out trade activities on the territory of the Republic of Moldova; the regulation by authorization of the entrepreneurial activity; hygiene of food products; food safety.

Another provision of the draft refers to tourist and agro-tourism guesthouses with meal preparation and serving services. 

The draft will enter into force, with some exceptions, upon expiration of two months from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova.


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