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Moldovan citizens can benefit from free of charge transfer to Bacau Airport, Romania

17:03 | 30.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 November /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s citizens can benefit from free of charge transfer from Chisinau to the Bacau International Airport, Romania, and back. The gratuitousness is valid till the end of this year.  

The commercial director of the George Enescu International Airport from Bacau, Gabriel Mariuta, has said that citizens who hold ticket which has the Bacau Airport as departure or arrival point can benefit from this facility. At the same time, they should reserve a place in mini-bus 24 hours before the time of departure to Bacau.      

The mini-bus will set out in Chisinau at 00:15 and 06:00. The departure from Bacau is scheduled for 18:00 and 22:00.  

The initiative is part of the Bacau Re-Connect programme, launched by the George Enescu International Airport from Bacau, in partnership with the Bacau County Council, which is set to ensure an improved connectivity with Moldova.  

The Bacau Airport makes flights to more destinations, including to such cities as London, Rome, Milan, Brussels, Dublin. According to data from September 2023, the Bacau Airport is on the ninth position in a ranking of airports from Romania.   



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