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First Green Podcast launched in Moldova

14:34 | 05.12.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 December /MOLDPRES/ - Green City Lab today informed that, in partnership with the Moldova Future Technologies Activity Project, backed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden and the United Kingdom, it launched a string of podcasts, dedicated to the getting aware of the need of the present change, in order edify a sustainable future.   

They will be developed in cooperation with the public authorities, business environment, the academic one and the public sector, with the goal to be aware of the need of the current change, in order to edify a sustainable future. The Green Podcast explores the transformation of the way they perceived the environment and the country’s energy and natural resources are managed.  

„We are set to guide entrepreneurs in changing their approaches and management, in order to become more competitive and cope with the challenges. Together, we will analyze diverse aspects of the energy efficiency, providing them with information and practical pieces of advice directly from experts in the field. While inspiring innovators and entrepreneurs, we will share success stories, which are to stimulate the creativeness in the sustainable economy sector,’’ Green City Lab said.     

The guest of the first episode is Energy Minister Victor Parlicov, who gave answers to many questions: why there are still no photovoltaic or wind parks in Moldova and when we will see massive investments in renewable energy sources; how profitable is for us to increase the contribution of the renewable energy to the domestic consumption, what quantity of this energy can be integrated in the network and what happens, if we produce an excess of renewable energy; how the approach of the state and of the consumers on the consumption of energy has changed and which are the strategies for the promotion of the energy efficiency; how the future energy efficiency fund will work; why the innovations are difficult to enforce in Moldova and how we overcome these obstacles, etc.           

The first edition of the Green Podcast will comprise 10 episodes and will appear twice per month. Each episode will include discussions with people involved in the today’s change, preparing for the future challenges, the quoted source added.  


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