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Electronic platform for submitting notifications on abuses on behalf of customs employees worked out in Moldova

15:05 | 11.12.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 December /MOLDPRES/ - The Customs Service has worked out an electronic platform for the submission of notifications on abuses on behalf of customs employees. The platform can be accessed on the website   

The goal of the platform is to provide citizens with a confident instrument for signaling problems as to abuses and corruption deeds in electronic form. Thus, the platform allows submitting information on cases signaled, as well as sending photo/video recordings, as well as watching the process of consideration of the notifications submitted.  

„The goals of this platform have been represented by the discouraging of (potential) corruption deeds, professional behavior contrary to the professional ethics and deontology, through encouraging people to take firm attitude towards the problems which arouse practices contrary to the ethics and integrity in public office,’’ the Customs Service said.   

Also, another important instrument meant to back the customs body and the citizens willing to denounce corruption acts or eventual abuses in office committed by customs employees is the Single Call Centre (+373 22 78 8888), which integrates also the anticorruption specialized line, active 24 hours.   





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