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Alexandru Savca might be new deputy director of Moldova's National Anticorruption Centre

15:05 | 13.12.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 December /MOLDPRES/ - The candidacy of Alexandru Savca will be put forward for the office of deputy director of the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA). The parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities has considered a draft to this effect.    

The candidacy of Alexandru Savca was put up by CNA director Alexandr Pinzari.  

Alexandru Savca worked at CNA as chief investigations officer and head of department. He has been earlier employee of the Interior Ministry and the Intelligence and Security Service.   

Under the legislation, the CNA deputy director is appointed to office by the parliament, at a proposal by the institution’s director. His mandate expires simultaneously with the mandate of the National Anticorruption Centre.    




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