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Moldovan president says EU's doors opened for Moldova due to effort of country's good-faith people

16:23 | 17.12.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 17 December /MOLDPRES/ - The door to the European Union has been opened due to the effort and work of all good-faith people of Moldova, of those who fought for the freedom and independence of the country, of those who fought on streets and at the voting for justice and against corruption, of those who work at home in the Diaspora. President Maia Sandu today made statements to this effect at the event titled, We Celebrate European Moldova, organized on the square of the Presidency, in the context of the European Council’s decision on the starting of the negotiations on accession with Moldova.  

The head of state said that ‘’in the last three years, we have made more resolute steps on the way of the European integration than in the last 30 years.’’ ‘’From now on, it is to great extent up to us whether the road will be short or long,’’ Maia Sandu stressed.    

The official noted that ‘’now we have two major tasks ahead: to edify a really European state, which takes care of its citizens and to edify a really European society, where the people live in harmony, respect each other and contribute to the common good.’’   

Maia Sandu thanked the EU member states, the institutions and civil servants, as well as the citizens of Moldova.

Attending the event was also Ambassador of the European Union Jānis Mažeiks, who said that ‘’for Moldova, much hard work and many difficult decisions come next, but unlike two years ago, we see that the European dream of Moldova is a reality which is ever more outlined.’’

„All European Union member states agree that Moldova’s future is in EU. The decision to start the negotiations on accession was based on the European Commission’s report, which found out the progress made by Moldova in key sectors, such as the justice reform, fight against corruption and the rule of law state. The decision on starting the negotiations shows both the determination of the Moldovans and the EU’s commitment to fulfill its promises. I hope that now, when it is ever clearer that Moldova will become EU member, the European integration will be national consensus,’’ the ambassador said.    

Residents and guests of Chisinau today brought together on the square of the Presidency, in order to celebrate the European Moldova. The invitation was launched by President Maia Sandu, after on 14 December, the European Council had voted for the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

The organizers prepared a vast artistic programme for the people present. The event was opened by the Orchestra of the military ceremonial department of the Interior Ministry’s (MAI) General Inspectorate of Carabineers, led by lieutenant-colonel Oleg Cazacu. At the same time, more singers, the National Youth Orchestra, Plaiesii Band performed before the people present at the event.

During the entire event, children and adults were able to participate in creative activities along with volunteers and to take pictures, thus celebrating the historical decision on the starting of negotiations with the European Union.   





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