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Moldova, Ukraine to have seven more joint border control points

10:56 | 22.12.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Dec. 22 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shmyhal, participated via videoconference in the ceremony of signing the inter-institutional protocols on organization of joint control at seven Moldovan-Ukrainian state border crossing points. Moldova and Ukraine reconfirmed mutual support for the integration agenda of both states in the European Union and boosting economic, social and political cooperation between our states, the government's communication department has reported.

"It is a joint victory and our commitment is to progress together on the EU integration. Today's signing of the protocols on organization of joint control points at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border crossing is an important step towards joining the EU", said Recean.

The officials also agreed to further promote bilateral dialogue and boost cooperation in the regional security.

Shmyhal referred to the favorable impact for the diversification of bilateral trade and the further strengthening of the "colors of solidarity" towards the European Union. During the period of over a year, about 1.6 million tons of Ukrainian agricultural products transited the Republic of Moldova.

The counterparts also referred to joint infrastructure projects, including the start of construction works on Coșăuți - Yampil bridge, as well as increasing the capacity to transport and store natural gas in the neighboring country.

Attending the event were officials of the Customs Service and the General Inspectorate of Border Police. The documents refer to the border crossing points Briceni - Rossoșani, Criva - Mamalâga, Giurgiulești - Reni, Larga - Kelmentî, Palanca - Maiaki-Udobnoe, Pervomaisc - Kuciurgan and Platonovo-Goianul Nou.






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