Over 18,000 vouchers turned to account through Used-Up Household Appliances Programme in Moldova
16:51 | 10.01.2024 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 10 January /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 18,840 vouchers provided within the Used-Up Household Appliances Programme have been turned to account till 10 January. As many as 1,438 big household appliances and 143,676 LED lamps were purchased based on the vouchers in all. The Energy Ministry unveiled figures to this effect today.
According to the ministry, two sessions are presently held with 17,000 vouchers meant for buying LED lamps and other sessions will be soon launched, which will provide vouchers for purchasing big equipment.
The beneficiaries of the vouchers for buying household appliances can turn them to account at any branch of the shops participating in the programme. Their list can be found on the website www.ecovoucher.md. Citizens who need support in the process of use of the voucher can call the Support Centre of the Agency for Energy Efficiency at the phone number 0 8005 5005.
The Used-Up Household Appliances Programme is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova, in partnership with the National Centre for Sustainable Energy (CNED), with the European Union’s financial support.