First working meeting from 2024 of political representatives in process of negotiations on Transnistrian settlement held in Tiraspol
17:18 | 16.01.2024 Category: Official
Chisinau, 16 January /MOLDPRES/ - The first meeting from this year of the political representatives in the process of negotiations on the Transnistrian settlement on behalf of Chisinau and Tiraspol, Oleg Serebrian and Vitaly Ignatyev, took place at the Tiraspol-based headquarters of the OSCE Mission in Moldova today, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.
The chief negotiator on behalf of Chisinau stressed the need of identifying viable solutions to the most pressing problems of the residents from the two banks of Dniester, avoiding the unilateral and discriminatory actions against the farmers form the Dubasari district, the Latin-script schools, the civil servants from the territorial subdivisions of Moldova’s public authorities placed in the Security Zone and other categories of citizens.
Oleg Serebrian reminded that the improvement of the quite complicated situation of the human rights in the Transnistrian region needed a constant attention. He reiterated the call to mark a positive dynamic on cases with high impact (Pleșcanov V., Dimov Al., Menzarari S., Dudnic Vl., Ermurachi V.), as well as to ensure the observance of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including to qualified medical assistance.
As for the objections invoked by the Tiraspol’s political representative as regards the provisions of the new Customs Code of Moldova and of the payments for the pollution of the environment imposed to the economic agents from the Transnistrian region, Oleg Serebrian said that these requirements were meant to gradually get the activity of these entrepreneurs into the national legal field, with the observance of the rules of fair competition and the commitments taken by Moldova internationally.
Also, Chisinau’s political representative noted that these norms did not regard the fiscal aspects, provide fair conditions of work for the business environment from both banks of Dniester, which can benefit from the facilities provided by Moldova, under the bilateral and multilateral agreements in force, including as concerns the EU’s commercial preferences.
As for the licencing of the activity of the enterprises from the region and the authorization of the transactions of import and export of different categories of goods carried out by them, including of the assets which are described as with double purpose or of the medical equipment generating ionizing radiations, the sides said that the difficulties faced in this process can be overcome following the compliance with the exigencies established by the national legislation in force, observance of the proper security requirements, assessment on the spot of the conformity and quality criteria.
Also, the agenda of the discussions comprised the subject on the work of the points for the registration of transport means from the Tiraspol and Rabnita cities, given that Chisinau highlighted the willingness to ensure an efficient working schedule of these territorial subdivisions, with enhancing the dynamic of documentation of the vehicles from the region with neutral-model plates.
Chisinau and Tiraspol expressed their openness to boost the interaction in the working format of the political representatives and the one of the sectoral working groups and the experts in the healthcare field are to be summoned in the near future.